Monday, June 27, 2011

Faraday's Law - Lenz Law

Before we start, we need to know two important Physical laws.If you understand this two laws,you will understand how voltage is Generated in Powr also will know how Electricity is produced and consumed.

Faraday's Law

AC voltage is generated in electric power systems by a very fundamental physical law called Faraday's Law. Faraday's Law represents the phenomena behind how electric motors turn and how electric generators produce electricity.
Faraday's Law is the foundation for electric power systems.
Faraday's Law states

"A voltage is produced on any conductor in a changing magnetic field."
It may be difficult to grasp the full meaning of that statement at first. It is, however, easier to understand the meaning and significance of this statement through graphs, pictures, and animations.
In essence, this statement is saying that if one takes a coil of wire and puts it next to a moving or rotating magnet, a measurable voltage will be produced in that coil.
this is shown on the above figure.

Ampere's and Lenz's Law

The second basic physical law that explains how electric power systems work is the fact that current flowing in a wire produces a magnetic field.
Ampere's and Lenz's law states that 

"A current flowing in a wire produces a magnetic field around the wire."
This law describes the relationship between the production of magnetic fields and electric current flowing in a wire. In essence, when a current flows through a wire, a magnetic field surrounds the wire.the above figure shows this law. 
Do you feel confused confused about this lesson? 
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