There are two different types of light-water reactor designs used, the pressurized water reactor (PWR) and the boiling water reactor (BWR). we will discuss (PWR) this lesson and (BWR) in the next lesson.
In a PWR, the heat is removed from the reactor by water flowing in a closed, pressurized loop. The heat is transferred to a second water loop through a heat exchanger (or steam generator). The second loop is kept at a lower pressure, allowing the water to boil and create steam, which is used to turn the turbine generator and produce electricity. Afterward, the steam is condensed back into water and returned to the heat exchanger where it is recycled into usable steam.
The normal control of the reactor power output is by means of the control rod system. These control rods are normally inserted and controlled from the top of the reactor. Because the control rods are inserted and controlled from the top of the reactor, the design also includes special springs and release mechanisms so that if all power is lost, the control rod will be dropped into the reactor core by gravity to shut down the reactor.
Advantages and Disadvantages of PWR
A major design advantage is the fact that fuel leaks, such as ruptured fuel rods, are isolated in the core and primary loop. That is, radioactive material contained inside the fuel is not allowed to go outside of the containment shell.
The pressurized water reactor can be operated at higher temperature/pressure combinations, and this allows an increase in the efficiency of the turbine generator system.
Another advantage is that it is believed that a pressurized water reactor is more stable than other designs. This is because boiling is not allowed to take place inside the reactor vessel and, therefore, the density of the water in the reactor core is more constant. By reducing the variability of the water density, controls are somewhat simplified.
The biggest disadvantage appears to be the fact that the reactor design is more complicated. It is necessary to design for extremely high pressures and temperatures in order to ensure that boiling does not take place inside the reactor core. The use of high-pressure vessels makes the overall reactor somewhat more costly to build. Finally, under certain circumstances, the pressurized water reactor can produce power at a faster rate than the cooling water can remove heat. If this event takes place, there is a high probability of fuel rod damage.
The basic design of a pressurized water reactor is shown in above figure . The reactor and the primary steam generator are housed inside containment structure. The structure is designed to withstand accidental events such as small airplane crashes. The PWR steam generator separates the radioactive water that exists inside the reactor from the steam that is going to the turbine outside the shell.
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